I am so inspired by the way that the Holy Spirit moves and works in his children’s lives. I stand in awe thinking about and reflecting on all of the ways that he blesses us and lavishes us with his kindness, his care, his love, his concern and his encouragement. He is the perfect example of what love is. May we see him. May we find him. May we learn to be loved by him in ways that only he knows we need. God help me, help us as your church to focus on you first and foremost, and let everything else fade away. As we do that, help us to experience your greatness, your goodness, your faithfulness, your mercy, your grace, and your love in extraordinary ways through walking in the Spirit allowing you to bless us through your word, your truth, through the people in our lives, our family, our friends and even strangers.
God give us your vision. Help us look through your lenses to see others the way you do. Give us a boldness and courage to do only what you could give us the strength and power to do. Give us a childlike faith, Father. Trusting you in each and every circumstance. Letting you fight our battles. Would you surround us with people who will build us up? Ones who will help us to be accountable to your word, to talk to us and love us, even in the hardest of times. And Jesus, would you help us to see life your way? Would you help us to be obedient, trusting in your ways that they are higher than ours. Thankful hearts for your life. For your death on the cross for our sins. Give us the power to move through life. Would you give us opportunities to speak your truth, to ask good questions, to be your hands and feet in the mission fields that you’ve placed us in? Our homes, our workplaces, our friend groups, our grocery stores, our favorite coffee shops and everywhere in between. Help us Father to be led by your Holy Spirit. In Jesus mighty name I pray, amen.
Happy New Year!